NEXT PTO MEETING: February 12th at 7pm on Zoom
What We Do...
The PTO organizes many events throughout the school year. Events have included Halloween parties, holiday breakfasts/parties, father/daughter dances, mother/son nights, family fun night, book fairs, field day, and lots more. Additionally, we provide fun, in-school enrichment programs with exciting presenters to enhance the curriculum, such as live animal shows, a mobile planetarium, character education and art and theatrical shows. The PTO also defrays the cost of class field trips for all grades and supports special events like the 5th grade carnival. The Parent-Teacher Organization works to foster community within our school and to create an enhanced learning experience for all of the students at the Campbell School.
What Do We Need?
• Your ideas for future events/programs and suggestions for improvement • Help to organize events that will take place throughout the school year • Assistance at PTO sponsored events You don't have to make it to every meeting or event in order to be a part of the PTO. You can volunteer your time at events as well as help to prepare events beforehand. You can help as little or as much as your lifestyle permits. If you can’t attend some of the meetings, we would still appreciate your ideas and input. Please feel free to contact any of the PTO Board members with any questions, ideas or suggestions. |
Important Dates for Your Calendar |
How Can You Help? 1. Attend a meeting!
Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. either in the school library or via Zoom when virtual. Meeting dates for 24/25 School Year:
2. Support your PTO by participating in our fundraisers! Watch for information on our fundraisers. We are always interested in new fundraising ideas! 3. Volunteers are essential to make events successful! Volunteer your time or resources to show your support. 4. “Like”us on Facebook - Campbell School PTO Stay up to date with all of the school happenings all year long. 5. Give us your input! Give us your ideas on how to further enrich our children’s school experience! 6. Donate! Make a cash/check donation directly to the PTO or click our "Donate" button below. All money goes to PTO sponsored events for our kids! |